Overview of Learning And Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

H and H Publishing Company

Extensive research, development, and testing led to the creation of this statistically valid and reliable tool for the diagnosis of study skills. The LASSI is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment of student’s awareness about and use of learning and study strategies related to skill, will and self-regulation components of strategic learning. The focus is on both covert and overt thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that relate to successful learning and that can be altered through educational interventions.

The LASSI was developed at the University of Texas at Austin by Claire Ellen Weinstein, Ph.D., David R. Palmer, Ph.D., and Taylor W. Acee, Ph.D.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Education
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Student Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Domain:Metacognition, How information is organized, Affective Domain:Student Motivation