Building Bridges between Field and Laboratory Studies in an Undergraduate Groundwater Course
Mark R. Noll March, 2003 Journal of Geoscience Education v51, n2, p231-236

Integration of field experiences and hands-on laboratory exerercies have been demonstrated to be effective teaching methods in the sciences. The geosciences, in particular, depend heavily on field investigations. In this study, a multi-week laboratory sequence was developed and assessed as to its effectiveness in enhancing student learning in a hydrogeology course. The laboratory sequence strives to integrate field and laboratory exercises into a cohesive unit that illustrates the physical and hydraulic properties of aquifers, and to develop links between hydrogeology and related undergraduate courses in the Earth and environmental sciences. Assessment of student learning showed a positive effect of the lab as demonstrated by concept mapping comparisons and performance on test questions.

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Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology, Hydrology:Ground Water
Research on Learning: Ways Of Learning:In the Field