Who Does Extra-Credit Work in Introductory Science Courses?
Randy Moore Jul/Aug 2005 Journal of College Science Teaching vol 34, issue 7, p 12

This study measured how many introductory biology students took advantage of extra-credit opportunities, the grades they earned, and reasons they gave for not completing extra credit work. The study found that high-achieving students pursued the extra credit work, while students who were earning poor grades did not. The author asserts that this behavior is tied to student motivation. Students who were motivated to succeed in the course made the choice to do the extra credit work, which is consistent with the other choices they had made, such as to attend lectures and help sessions. Similarly, students who earned poor grades typically demonstrated a low commitment to several components of the course, including the extra credit work.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Education
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Research on Learning: Assessment, Affective Domain:Student MotivationKeyword: affective domain