The Desert Environment

Lynn Bremner,

The Desert Environment offers information on deserts in North America. Educational information is presented on desert geology, geomorphology, ecology, and cultures. Learn about the small-scale divisions of the North American deserts, the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, Mojave, and Great Basin, and the unique regions which constitute these areas. A brief site glossary defines common terms such as arroyo, hoodoo, and pediment. Site features include: What's New; Places to Go; Things to Do; Desert Life; Desert Talk; Trading Post; and the DesertUSA Newsletter. Places To Go is a starting point for exploring parks, ghost towns, rivers, cities, and historical and cultural sites located in the desert. Things To Do suggests recreational activities with detailed information and maps for each location included in the section. Desert Life contains information about the desert itself, as well as the animals, plants and people that inhabit it. Desert Talk contains a message board where one can read and respond to messages posted by other site visitors. The DesertUSA Newsletter is a free monthly publication containing articles on hiking, camping, places to explore, animal and wildflower reports, plant information and much more. Many links connect to further information such as related news articles. This site contains a number of different types of desert maps, and a search engine aids navigation. There are movies embedded throughout the site, which portray a 360-degree view of selected desert locations.

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Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geomorphology:Arid Region Geomorphology, Biology
Grade Level: General Public
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Geomorphology