Climate Diagnostic Center, United States Climate Page

NOAA/Climate Diagnostic Center

This website, developed by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center, provides a clickable map with national climate data. Users click on states and find another clickable topographic map of each state. Data within each state includes graphical representation basic climatology and monthly rankings for temperatures and precipitation.

Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.

Cutting Edge
This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Maps, Images/Illustrations, Datasets and Tools:Datasets
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Data Derived: Data Derived
Data Source: Observational Data
Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Atmospheric Science