Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory: Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases group makes ongoing discrete measurements from land and sea surface sites and aircraft, and continuous measurements from baseline observatories and tall towers. These measurements document the spatial and temporal distributions of carbon-cycle gases and provide essential constraints to our understanding of the global carbon cycle. This website is an interactive atmospheric data visualization tool. This tool enables users to view data, obtain details about sampling locations, manipulate and compare data sets and create custom graphs. Data includes information on a variety of gases, and can be viewed as seasonal patterns, time series, or latitudinal distribution.

This description of a site outside SERC has not been vetted by SERC staff and may be incomplete or incorrect. If you have information we can use to flesh out or correct this record let us know.

Part of the Starting Point collection. The Starting Point collection includes resources addressing the needs of faculty and graduate students designing, developing, and delivering entry-level undergraduate courses in geoscience.

Starting Point
This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change:Public policy , Global change modeling, Greenhouse gas emissions, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Greenhouse gas emissions, Environmental Science:Policy, Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Public policy, Global change modeling, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology , Climate Change, Meteorology:Atmospheric structure and composition
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations, Datasets and Tools:Datasets, Datasets with Tools
Special Interest: Visualization, Complex Systems
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16)
Theme: Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Weather, Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Public Policy, Climate Change, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Atmospheric Science, Environmental Science