Blackboard Inc. offers a complete suite of enterprise software products and services that power e-Education programs for Higher Education, K-12, Corporate/Government and International. Blackboard offers solutions for online teaching and learning, campus communities, campus commerce services, and integration of Web-enabled student services and back office systems. This site outlines a variety of products including the Blackboard e-Education Suite which includes the Blackboard Learning System (a product to help manage distance, web-enhanced or hybrid education programs), Blackboard Learning System ML (a multi lingual version of the Blackboard Learning System), Blackboard Content System (web-design software) and the Blackboard Portal System (unifying software for web-services). Users can also access software support, information on how to extend Blackboard, software developers, and Blackboard courses. This product site contains everything a user might need to research, purchase and use Blackboard software.
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Part of the Starting Point collection. The Starting Point collection includes resources addressing the needs of faculty and graduate students designing, developing, and delivering entry-level undergraduate courses in geoscience.