Jules Verne Voyager, Jr

Chuck Meertens, UNAVCO

Exploring Our Dynamic Planet consists of interactive tools, curriculum, and background materials that enable students to better visualize geophysical and geological processes and structures. A classroom module explores plate tectonics using geodesy results from GPS to observe and measure crustal motion. Tools include Jules Verne Voyager, Jr., which allows students to choose from a variety of base maps, add a number of geographic and geophysical overlays (e.g. plate boundaries, earthquake and volcano locations), and then superimpose crustal motion velocity vectors to observe how the tectonic plates move in relation to one another. The tool can be used to explore topics such as plate tectonics, seafloor spreading, and seasonal land and ocean productivity.

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Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Structural Geology:Structural Visualizations, Geoscience:Geology:Structural Geology, Tectonics, Geophysics, Structural Geology:Regional Structural/Tectonic Activity
Resource Type: Computer Applications, Datasets and Tools:Datasets with Tools, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), High School (9-12), College Lower (13-14), Middle (6-8)
Data Source: Observational Data
Science Background Required: Basic scientific background required
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Geophysics, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Plate Tectonics, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Structural Geology