Salt of the Early Earth

Leslie Mullen, Astrobiology Magazine

This astrobiology news article analyzes the role salt played in the evolution of life on Earth. It explains why scientists have long assumed that life originated in the sea and describes the history of water on Earth in relation to the origin of life. Leading scientists contribute information about the significance of anaerobes, halophiles, methanogens, and the depositional environments of sedimentary rocks that hold Precambrian microfossils. They also suggest that we should extend our search to Mars.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Marine, Biology:Ecology:Metabolism, Symbiotic Relations:Mutualism, Biology:Evolution:Patterns, Principles, Biology:Astrobiology, Microbiology, Biogeochemistry
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, General Public, College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16), High School (9-12), Middle (6-8)
Extreme Environments: Hypersaline
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Biogeoscience, Ecology