The goal of this NASA Earth Science Enterprise-funded project is to increase the use of satellite data in high school and college science classrooms by developing classroom materials linked to guided inquiry computer exercises. This Global Land Vegetation module is one of four Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) modules. Each module consists of three sections: Class Resources, Computer Lab Resources and a Glossary and Acronym List. Class Resources is an electronic textbook viewable by a Web browser. Computer Lab Resources contains an instructor's guide, data and software. The instructor's guide contains exercises for using the data and software. The public domain software, a version of NIH-Image for the Macintosh that was modified by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center especially for SEES, is for data display, analysis and tutorial of satellite data. The software will also work on Windows machines with a Mac emulator. Image2000, a cross-platform Java version of the software, is expected to be available by the end of the year 2000. Each module section can stand-alone (e.g. you don't have to use the Class Resources in order to complete the Computer Lab Resources). Students and instructors may continue their own scientific discovery by accessing archived and current data from various NASA Earth Science data centers.
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This resource is referenced here:Subject: Biology
Resource Type:
Activities:Classroom Activity,
Datasets and Tools:Datasets with Teaching Activities,
Activities:Lab Activity,
Datasets and Tools:Datasets
Inquiry Level: Step-By-Step Instruction
Special Interest: Global/National Issue, Computer-Based
Grade Level: High School (9-12), College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Use: Illustrating concepts and ideas
Keywords: Land cover, Land use, Humans and land use, Global land vegetation, Photosynthesis, Earth's radiation budget, Remote sensing, Satellite data, Energy flows and cycles: Carbon, Plants and vegetation, Environmental science, Greenhouse effect, Deforestation and biomass burning