A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between Attitude Toward Science and Attitude Toward the Environment
Xin Ma, David J. Bateson 1999 Journal of Environmental Education v. 31 n. 1, p. 27-32

This statistical study from the Journal of Environmental Education identifies the relationship between students' attitude toward science and their attitude toward the environment. Canadian 9th grade students answered attitude question sets about the environment and about science in general. The strongest correlation identified was that students who had a positive attitude toward science also had a positive attitude toward the environment. Another correlation indicated that while students favored preservation of natural resources, they did not favor a reduction in freedom for logging companies, farmers, automobile drivers, and so on.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Education, Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values, Environmental Science
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Pedagogic Resources, Journal Article
Special Interest: Ethics
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Student Attitudes
Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Ethics and Environmental Justice, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science, Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Public PolicyKeyword: affective domain