Structured Academic Controversy: A Peaceful Approach to Controversial Issues
Claudia Khourey-Bowers May 2006 American Biology Teacher Volume 68, Number 5, p. 43-47

This article describes the use of structured academic controversy to teach evolution to pre-service science teachers. This pedagogic strategy is designed to engage students in controversy and then guide them to seek an agreement. The format includes time for readings, thinking, questions small group discussion, large group discussion and consensus building. A follow-up survey indicated that the participants felt that the process allowed for consensus-building, avoided confrontation, and emphasized currently accepted scientific thinking.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Evolution, Education, Biology:Evolution
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Research Results, Journal Article
Research on Learning: Ways Of Learning:Cooperative Learning, Geoscience Expertise:Geologic Time, Affective Domain:Teaching Controversial TopicsKeyword: affective domain