The papers included in this volume represent a significant contribution to the literature on student conceptions, cognition, and conceptual change specifically related to the geosciences. A wide range of methodologies that can be used to study learning are represented here, from case studies to interviews to quantitative approaches. Documentation of student conceptions and cognition, from elementary to university, as well as analyses of the effects of instruction are presented on a variety of topics important to the geological sciences. These papers provide a basis for continued communication between workers in different disciplines striving to answer the question: "What works in the geoscience classroom?"
Full Issue is available online.
This resource is referenced here:Subject:
Geoscience:Geology:Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Education,
Geoscience:Geology:Structural Geology,
Resource Type:
Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work,
Pedagogic Resources:Collection, Journal Article
Research on Learning:
Instructional Design:Interdisciplinary Education,
Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems