NO means 'yes' in the squid-vibrio symbiosis: nitric oxide (NO) during the initial stages of a beneficial association

Seana K. Davidson, Tanya A. Koropatnick, Renate Kossmehl, Laura Sycuro, Margaret J. McFall-Ngai, Cellular Microbiology

This Cellular Microbiology scholarly article provides evidence that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and its product nitric oxide (NO) are active during the colonization of the Euprymna scolopes (squid) light organ by Vibrio fischeri (bacteria). Data shows that NO production, a defense response of animal cells to bacterial pathogens, plays a role in the interactions between a host and its beneficial bacterial partner during the initiation of symbiotic colonization. Links to the full text article may require a subscription.

Subject: Biology:Ecology:Metabolism, Symbiotic Relations:Mutualism, Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Marine, Biology:Evolution, Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Research Results
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Ecology