Psychological Effects of Technological Human-Caused Environmental Disasters: Examination of the Navajo and Uranium
C.A. Markstrom, P.H. Charley 2003 American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: Journal of the National Center v11 p19-45

This article in the American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: Journal of the National Center recounts the history of uranium mining on Navajo land along with the inter-related environmental and psychological impacts on the Navajo people from uranium mining. The article attempts to help the reader understand this situation in light of Navajo culture and beliefs.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Geography:Human/Cultural, Environmental Science:Waste:Radioactive Waste, Environmental Science:Mineral Resources:Mining, Environmental Science:Waste:Toxic and Hazardous Wastes
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Opinion, Journal Article
Theme: Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Minerals, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science