Endolithic Microorganisms in the Antarctic Cold Desert
E. Imre Friedmann Feb. 26, 1982 Science Vol. 215, No. 4536, pp. 1045-1053.

This image-rich Science article describes initial research done in the Antarctic dry valleys involving cryptoendolithic (microbes that live in rock pores) lichen communities in sandstone. The paper describes these communities, providing information about their environment as well as adaptations to these cold, interterrestrial environments. The article also features sections about chasmoendolithic (microbes that live in rock cracks or fissures) microorganisms as well as the possibility for the dry valleys as a terrestrial model for life on Mars.

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Subject: Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Within Rock, Biology:Biogeochemistry, Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy:Biomineralogy, Biology:Microbiology
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Research Results, Overview/Reference Work, Book
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16), Graduate/Professional
Extreme Environments: Extremely ColdKeywords: endolith, cold desert, lichen