This website provides access to images and data gathered by the SeaWinds scatterometer, a microwave radar sensor designed specifically to measure ocean near-surface wind speed and direction. The site features images of recent hurricanes, links to additional images and animations, information about missions, access to Winds publications, educational information, FAQ’s and links to data.
This resource is referenced here:Subject:
Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Meteorology:Extreme weather,
Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Extreme Weather:Hurricanes,
Geoscience:Oceanography:Physical ,
Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology :El Nino/La Nina,
Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Meteorology:Winds,
Resource Type:
Pedagogic Resources:Collection,
Datasets and Tools:Datasets,
Special Interest: Hazards
Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Oceanography,
Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Weather,
Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Hazards,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science,
Atmospheric Science
Keywords: Hurricane Ivan, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Howard, Hurricane Francis, El Nino