Metazoans in Extreme Environments: Adaptations of Hydrothermal Vent and Hydrocarbon Seep Fauna

Erin R. McMullin, Derk C. Bergquist, Charles R. Fisher, Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin

This Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin article examines the challenges of living on or near a hydrothermal vent or hydrothermal seep system. It particularly In particular, it describes the diversity and adaptations of multicellular animals that are capable of surviving extreme temperature (hot and cold), hypoxia/anoxia (low/no oxygen), and toxicity (sulfides and heavy metals).

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Biology:Ecology:Metabolism, Symbiotic Relations, Habitats:Marine, Biology:Ecology:Symbiotic Relations:Mutualism, Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Benthic, Biology:Microbiology, Diversity
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional, College Upper (15-16), High School (9-12), College Lower (13-14)
Extreme Environments: Anoxic, High Pressure, Extremely Cold, Extremely Hot
Ocean Environments: Deep Sea Floor/Abyssal:Hydrothermal Systems
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:EcologyKeywords: polychaetes, Alvinella pomejana, Alvinella caudata, Paralvinella sulfincola, Riftia