Sea Vent Viewer

National Science Foundation

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This web site serves as an educational overview of National Science Foundation (NSF) earth and environmental science research focusing on hydrothermal vent systems. It features an interactive viewer which allows users to explore hydrothermal vent systems with the touch of a mouse. Dragging the cursor around the screen moves the field of view while clicking on numbered items reveals informational pages about each inhabitant.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Biology:Diversity, Ecology:Habitats:Marine, Biology:Microbiology, Ecology:Habitats:Benthic
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Audio/Visual:Animations/Video
Grade Level: General Public, Informal, College Lower (13-14), Intermediate (3-5), Primary (K-2), Middle (6-8), High School (9-12), College Upper (15-16), Graduate/Professional
Extreme Environments: Extremely Hot, High Pressure
Ocean Environments: Deep Sea Floor/Abyssal:Hydrothermal Systems
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:EcologyKeywords: vent formation, submersible, anemone, zoarcid, tubeworms, crabs, Bythograea, clams, mussels, Pompeii worm