A Strategy for Teaching an Effective Undergraduate Mineralogy Course
Jeffrey R. Swope, Reto Giere January 2004 Journal of Geoscience Education v.52, no.1, pages 15-22

This paper describes a strategy for integrating the many topics covered in a mineralogy course and presenting them in a manner that facilitates an understanding of mineralogy that enables students to apply it in subsequent courses and research. The strategy used is to organize the course into a well-integrated sequence of lectures, demonstrations and laboratory exercises that unfolds the material logically and at a pace that is responsive to the students' needs. A sixteen week outline, with suggested lab exercises and minerals covered in labs, is also included.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Education, Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy:Optical Mineralogy, Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Activities:Lab Activity, Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Scientific Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Mineralogy