This site provides a searchable collection of NASA Earth science images, animations and data visualizations. Most images are available at multiple resolutions, with a description of the image and metadata. Users can search the database using full text; or with advanced searches by topic, keyword, sensor, geographic region, parameter, and dates. Examples of topics represented in this collection are snow and ice, agriculture, oceans, climate, the atmosphere, human dimensions, land surface, the solid earth and more.
Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.

This resource originally cataloged at:
This resource is referenced here:Subject:
Geoscience:Geology:Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology:Volcanology,
Structural Geology,
Geoscience:Atmospheric Science,
Oceanography:Physical ,
Geoscience:Hydrology, Biology,
Oceanography:Marine Geology and Geophysics,
Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology ,
Geoscience:Lunar and Planetary Science
Resource Type:
Scientific Resources:Collection
Grade Level: High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5), College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16), Graduate/Professional, General Public
Data Derived: Data Derived
Data Source: Observational Data
Health Topics: Epidemiology and Risk Analysis, Other, Gases, Biogenic Hazards, Minerals, Airborne Transport Processes
Ocean Environments: Deep Sea Floor/Abyssal, Coastal and Estuarine, Surface Waters, Shallow Sea Floor/Continental Shelf, Deep Waters
Science Background Required: Broadly accessible
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Structural Geology,
Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Petrology,
Planetary Science,
Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Plate Tectonics,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Geophysics,
Atmospheric Science,
Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water
Keywords: Imagery, Remote sensing, Hydrosphere, Cryosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere