TerraServer Download for ArcGIS 8.x

Thomas Emge, ESRI

When last checked this resource was offline Our automated link checker has alerted the folks responsible for the part of our site where this problematic link is referenced. If you have further information about the link (e.g. a new location where the information can be found) please let us know.

You may be able to find previous versions at the Internet Archive.

This site from ESRI features a tool that provides access to the USGS data repository of public domain data and allows the user to integrate this raster information into ArcMap.
Essentially it provides access to imagery anywhere in the US. The source code is included.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Geography:Geospatial
Resource Type: Datasets and Tools:Tools
Special Interest: GIS
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:GIS/Remote Sensing