This paper presents comments on environmental issues surrounding cyanide use in the metal mining industry, with emphasis on the various cyanide-leach processes used to extract gold and silver. Information is included about the chemical contents of impacted waters and soils, common cyanide cleanup techniques, long term impacts from cyanide, and the potential impacts to municipal waste and drinking water, and recommendations for the regulatory agencies and the mining industry. The author points out many shortcomings in both industrial practices as well as in analytical techniques and our understanding of the true effects of cyanide.
This resource is referenced here:Subject:
Environmental Science:Mineral Resources:Mining,
Environmental Science:Policy:Local Policy,
Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Water quality/chemistry ,
Geoscience:Hydrology:Surface Water:Water Quality/Chemistry ,
Environmental Science:Waste:Toxic and Hazardous Wastes,
Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Economics,
Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Point Source Pollution
Resource Type:
Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work,
Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Minerals,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Hydrology/Hydrogeology,
Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water,
Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science,
Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Public Policy