This organization promotes and supports scientific studies of the Dead Sea environment, primarily the therapeutic potential of its natural resources. The site features information and data about the specific qualities of sunlight, air, salinity, and mud that make the Dead Sea geochemically and therapeutically unique. Research areas include hydrology, climate, and physiopathology including rheumatology, dermatology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, cardiology, and pulmonary and vascular disease.
This description of a site outside SERC has not been vetted by SERC staff and may be incomplete or incorrect. If you
have information we can use to flesh out or correct this record let us know.
Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy:Environmental Mineralogy, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Biology, Geoscience:Geology:Geochemistry, Geoscience:Hydrology Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Datasets and Tools:Datasets Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12), General Public Health Topics: Waterborne Transport Processes, Controls on Bioavailability Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Mineralogy, Hydrology/Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Geochemistry, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water
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