Ecology in a Jar
Thomas Corner March 1992 The Science Teacher p 32-35

This journal article discusses incorporation of the Winogradsky Column into high school science classrooms to demonstrate nutrient cycles and inter-relatedness of organisms in the environment. It offers a background of the technique, describes its importance to microbiology, and lists materials and the procedure. Three figures illustrate the layers of the Winogradsky Column, the sulfur cycle, and the principle differences defining the major metabolic types (i.e., phototroph, chemoautotroph, chemoheterotroph, and photoheterotroph).

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Subject: Biology:Microbiology, Microbiology:Methods of Microbiology , Biology:Ecology:Symbiotic Relations, Biofilms, Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Biogeochemical cycling, Biology, Education:Assessment, Biology:Ecology:Metabolism
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Activities:Lab Activity, Classroom Activity:Jigsaw, Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Journal Article
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12), College Upper (15-16)Keywords: cyanobacteria, purple nonsulfur bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria, green sulfur bacteria