This guidebook, the first of the series published by the Tobacco Root Geological Society, is a collection of geology field guides and road logs in southwestern Montana. Topics include: a history of the Indian University geologic field station; stratigraphy and structure of the Central Fault Block of the northwestern Tobacco Root Mountains; a geologic road log from Dillon to Alder, covering the Precambrian geology of the central Ruby Range; petrology of diabase dikes in the Tobacco Root Mountains; a road log from Bozeman to Specimen Creek via Gallatin Canyon; the Gallatin "petrified forest"; road logs and field guide to the geology of the Norris-McAllister area; a summary of late Devonian-early Mississippian biostratigraphic framework in western Montana; the Cambrian-Devonian disconformity in southwestern Montana; deformation of the Meagher limestone in the North Boulder Valley; structural development of the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park area; and aspects of the LaHood Formation and structure in the Jefferson Canyon area.
ISBN 3-1762-10177001-2
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