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This document provides synopses of frequently used time series of global-change data. Records are presented in multipage formats, each dealing with a specific site, region, or emissions species. The data records include tables, graphs, discussions of methods for collecting, measuring, and reporting the data, trends in the data, and references to literature providing further information. Instructions for citing specific data in Trends Online are provided for each compiled data set.
Subject: Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology , Geoscience:Atmospheric Science Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Research Results, Datasets and Tools:Datasets Data Derived: Data Derived Data Source: Observational Data Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Atmospheric ScienceKeywords: Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric measurements, carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, carbon isotopes, climate, climate change, climatology, clouds, Earth atmosphere, emissions, fossil fuels, gas flaring, global warming, greenhouse effect, meteorology, methane, natural gas, radiosondes, paleoclimatology, regional analysis, temperature monitoring, trace gases