Martha Growdon
Earth Sciences
SUNY College at Oneonta
I study Crustal Dynamics. I enjoy incorporating structural geology
with metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, thermobarometry, and
geochronology to understand the histories of multiply metamorphosed
Check out my webpage: http://employees.oneonta.edu/growdoml/growdoml/Home.html
Website Content Contributions
Activities (5)
Developing an eye for folds part of Structural Geology and Tectonics:Structure, Geophysics, and Tectonics 2012:Activities
This activity is a multi-part lab designed to allow students to develop their ability to visualize folds in 3-dimensions using Visible Geology and stereonets.
Course (1)
Structural Geology part of Structural Geology and Tectonics:Structure, Geophysics, and Tectonics 2012:Courses
An introduction to common structural features-folds, faults, foliations, lineations, unconformities, geologic contacts, their geometry and origin. Examination of basic concepts of stress and strain; laboratory ...