Blender part of Visualization:Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations:Visualization Tools
Blender is a free, open-source tool for creating and animating 3D content. It is available for all major operating systems. It allows the creation and modification of graphics primitives, surfaces, etc. along with ...
Pseudosections part of Integrating Research and Education:Teaching Phase Equilibria
Dave Hirsch, Western Washington University, Julie Baldwin, University of Montana, and Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota What is a Pseudosection? A pseudosection, also called an equilibrium phase diagram, ...
Advanced Modeling Programs: Perplex part of Integrating Research and Education:Teaching Phase Equilibria
Dave Hirsch, Western Washington University, with reference to Julie Baldwin's THERMOCALC page What is Perplex? Perplex is a thermodynamic calculation package suitable for rapidly creating phase diagrams of ...
Different Kinds of Reactions part of Integrating Research and Education:Teaching Phase Equilibria
Dave Hirsch, Western Washington University Examples of phase diagrams and reactions in jpg, pdf and animated-pdf format are available. A 5 page summary (Acrobat (PDF) 158kB Aug1 07) of this information is ...
Advanced Modeling Programs: Perplex-THERMOCALC Comparison part of Integrating Research and Education:Teaching Phase Equilibria
Dave Hirsch, Western Washington University and Julie Baldwin, University of Montana Both Perplex and THERMOCALC have the ability to create a wide range of phase diagrams, pseudosections, and estimate mineral and ...
Naming/Classifying Metamorphic Rocks part of Petrology:Teaching Examples
This is a two-page embodiment of the draft IUGS standard on naming metamorphic rocks. It's highly simplified, but useful for teaching metamorphic petrology.
Andesites, Basalts, Schists, and More part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Rock and Mineral Exchange:Postings
Dave Hirsch, Western Washington University Description of Available Specimens How many pieces are available: Small Group of Specimens Andesites, basalts, blueschist/greenschist (intermediate ...