Franciszek Hasiuk
Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University
Dr. Franciszek J. “Franek" Hasiuk obtained his PhD in geology from the University of Michigan in 2008. He then worked in various upstream companies at ExxonMobil including the Carbonate Research Group in the Upstream Research Company until Fall 2012 when he took a position as assistant professor at Iowa State University. He currently studies carbonate geochemistry and petrophysics as well as the application of 3D printing to petrophysical analysis of reservoir rocks. This work is carried out in his Geological Fabrication Laboratory, or GeoFabLab for short.
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (35)
Robust Bivalve part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Mollusc>Bivalve/Pelecypod Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original specimen. ...
Cross-Bedded Sandstone part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description This sandstone (Folk Classification: Quartzarenite) shows cross-bedding. Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric ...
Gwynne's Rock part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Here is a first "catch" of Gwynne's rock, a famous glacial erratic belonging to the geology program at Iowa State University. I need to do some editing to make a ...
Mushroom Coral (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Here is a scan of a modern Mushroom Coral (Scleractinia: Fungiidae). The specimen looses much of its fine detail in this scan, but the general platy texture has survived the ...
Dawsonoceras (Cephalopod/Mollusc) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Dawsonoceras Mollusc>Cephalopod>Dawsonoceras Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State ...
Euhedral Microcline (Potassium Feldspar) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Euhedral Microcline (Potassium Feldspar) from Florence, Colorado, USA. Scanned in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State ...
BIF-glomerate part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description The famous BIF-glomerate from where the Cambrian Flathead Sandstone overlies Archean banded iron formations at Atlantic City, Wyoming, USA. Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek ...
Blastoid (Echinodermata) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Blastoffs are an extinct clade of echinoderms. Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State ...
Spiriferid Brachiopod part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Spiriferid Brachiopod probably from Rockford, Iowa. Scanned in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University). ...
Iowa State University's Stadium (Ames, Iowa, USA) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Ames, Iowa, with Iowa State University's Jack Trice Football Stadium Dr. Chris Harding (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) created this ...
Rippled Siltstone part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Slightly micaceous, rippled siltstone from Holyoke, Hampden County, Massachussetts, USA Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric ...
Gastropod Steinkern part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Gastropod Steinkern Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original specimen. Scanned ...
Samoa Lava part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Pahoehoe lava from the Aopo Volcanic Field which erupted in 1906 (I think) on the north side of Savai'i, Samoa. This vesicular basalt is an example of the hot-spot volcanism ...
Sheep Mountain part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× Model Description 3D Printable model of Sheep Mountain in Wyoming Dr. Chris Harding (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) created this model from US Geological Survey ...
Silurian Soil Pisolite part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Soil pisolite from Pipe Creek Junior Quarry, Indiana, one of the few undolomitized Silurian patch reefs in the US Midwest. The geometric shapes come from when small ...
Campo Del Cielo Meteorite part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
Campo Del Cielo Meteorite × × Model Description Campo Del Cielo meteorite. Course Octahedrite found 1576 1AB-MG Chaco Guallamba, Chaco, Argentina 16.72 LBS. Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek ...
Sand Shark Jaw part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Vertebrate Sand Shark Jaw Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original, unmarked ...
Limestone Concretion part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× Model Description Limestone Concretion, Des Moines Series (Pennsylvanian, Iowa) Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State ...
Burrowed sandstone part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× Model Description This sandstone shows evidence of burrowing. Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original ...
Gypsum Rosette part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Gypsum Rosette from Minnesota, USA. Scanned in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University). Scanned with the ...
Brachiopod cementstone part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Brachiopod cementstone from Pipe Creek Junior Quarry in Indiana, USA. This rock is composed of 1) brachiopod fossils and 2) thick isopachous calcite cements. Scanned in Dr. Franek ...
Gastropod with Robust Spines part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description This is a rather beautiful specimen from Iowa State's teaching collection that managed to scan particularly well. Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of ...
Calcite Crystal part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Calcite crystal from Apache Mine, Hachita, SW New Mexico, USA Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State ...
Sandstone Concretion part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Sandstone Concretion from Morocco. Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original ...
Stromatolite part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Stromatolites form the oldest recognizable fossils in the history of Earth. Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa ...
Tabulate coral (Coelenterata) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Tabulate coral (Coelenterata) The tabulate corals all went extinct at the end of the Paleozoic. Scanned by Artur Pacyga in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of ...
Conch Shell part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Mollusca>Gastropoda This shell belongs to one of a number of sea snails collectively referred to as "conch." It is a gastropod mollusk. It is a modern specimen. ...
Lepidodendron Specimen #2 part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Lepidodendron Plat Fossil, Specimen #2 Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original, ...
Modern Sea Biscuit (Echinoid/Echinodermata) part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Modern Sea Biscuit (Echinoid/Echinodermata) Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the ...
Sponge part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× Rendering Image ( 12.1MB Feb8 15) Model Description Porifera>Specimen Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the ...
Rippled Sandstone Polygon part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description This specimen shows both ripples as well as a hexagonal outline consistant with desiccation. Scanned in Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and ...
Lepidodendron part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Lepidodendron plant fossil Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the original, unmarked ...
Rippled Sandstone #1 part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description This specimen is a rippled sandstone (Folk classification: quartzarenite). Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa ...
Giant Sea Biscuit part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Giant Sea Biscuit (Echinoid/Echinodermata) Scanned by Dr. Franek Hasiuk's GeoFabLab (Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University) from the ...
Silurian Rock Core part of Data, Simulations and Models:3D Printing:Models
× × Model Description Silurian Rock Core from Milwaukee deep tunnel. Purchased form Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Vuggy porosity is noticeable in this model. IN the photo you can see ...