Yevgeny Gayev
National aviation university
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Information Theory by own student' discoveries with MATLAB part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop October 2021:Activities
I present my recent textbook "Information Theory Processes by own student' discoveries with MATLAB and Java" (in Ukrainian) and my educational course associated with it.
Scientific and Educational works part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2020:Activities
Own scientific work; "Easy programming" educational course for beginners (MATLAB); Mathematics as an experimental science with MATLAB; Learning some disciplines by "Method of own student' ...
Essays (3)
From MATLAB' "Easy Programming" to student' Own Discoveries part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2020:Essays
Yevgeny Gayev, Aerospace Control Systems, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine) One of the most important challenges for modern education is the proper ...
MATLAB is an "easy programming" tool to each engineering discipline part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2019:Essays
Yevgeny Gayev, Aerospace Control Systems Department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine I am an insistent propagator of active methods in teaching of everything. Of course, in teaching Physics but also in ...
MATLAB' "easy programming" for discipline "Information Processes and Coding" part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2019:Essays
Yevgeny Gayev, Aerospace Control Systems Department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine Being familiar with MATLAB (see my Essay1) allows to educator realize pedagogical approach of "own ...