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August Workshop
OOI Ocean Data Development Workshop
August 18-23, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Second Roadcheck Survey
Second Roadcheck Survey
Purpose: Please reflect on today's workshop sessions and let us know what worked and what needs improvement. Your input is valuable to the project leaders as they plan for tomorrow and for future workshops. We would like you to enter your name below. This will improve our ability to evaluate the workshop by allowing us to link your responses from this survey to other evaluation instruments. Responses will be presented to the project leaders only in aggregate; your name will not be associated with your responses.
Your name:
1. What did you learn about teaching with data today that you would like to share with a colleague?
2. We introduced you to the basics of using Python for analysis of OOI datasets today. Please tell us how you felt about this session. What worked well? What needs improvement?
3. You also began to work on developing your own data labs today. Please tell us how you felt about this process. What worked well? What needs improvement?
4. Do you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, or complaints about any aspect of the workshop that you would like to bring to our attention?
5. Please indicate your current satisfaction with this workshop by selecting the appropriate number.
Choose one:
1 - Very dissatisfied
2 - Somewhat dissatisfied
3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 - Satisfied
5 - Very satisfied
Comments to explain your rating:
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