Jan 5, 2019 - Jan 5, 2019
Next Gen-WA at ASTE
Julie Antilla and José Rios presented at the International meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Education in Savannah, Georgia on January 5, 2019.
Julie Antilla and José Rios presented at the International conference of the Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE)in Savannah, Georgia on January 5, 2019. ASTE is an international association that promotes leadership and support for professionals involved in the education and development of teachers of science at all levels. Also, ASTE advances practice and policy through scholarship, collaboration, and innovation in science teacher education (https://theaste.org/about/). The title of this presentation was "Collaborating to Improve Stem Teacher Preparation in Washington State." In this session, we presented the goals, structures, and activities associated with our NSF-funded collaboration to improve K-12 STEM teacher preparation. Also, we described the consortium of universities, colleges, and organizations currently working on the project and discussed future initiatives and professional development workshops.