Submit your Travel Plans

Please let us know your travel arrangements by Aug 16, 2013

See the logistics page (opens in a new window) for information on making your travel arrangements.

(Please Note: Your email address is what we use to track your application and participation in the workshop. Be sure to use the same email address associated with your SERC account.)

The workshop will be held at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. Plan to arrive in Northfield in time for the first workshop event at 6pm on Wednesday, Sept 18th. The workshop will be over at 2pm on Friday, April 20.

Our grant will cover the cost of lodging on Wednesday, 9/18 and Thursday 9/19 (and Friday 9/20 if necessary) for double occupancy rooms. If you prefer, you may request a private room and will be responsible for paying for this option ($45 per night), which you indicated on your registration form. Once we have received your payment, we will confirm your room with you.

Online Payment with Credit Card
To pay for your upgrade with a credit card, select the option below. PayPal is a secure service, and you do not need to have a PayPal account to use this service. After you make your payment, your browser will automatically send you to a "thank you " page. Please email Charlotte Betsinger (cbetsinger at carleton dot edu) if you want to check whether your payment went through.

Mail-in Payment with Check
To pay for your room by check, select that option below. Make your check for $45 (1 night), $90 (2 nights), or $135 (3 nights) out to Carleton College. Send it to the address below with a clear indication of your name and the workshop you are attending: Carleton College Science Education Resource Center W-SERC One North College St Northfield, MN 55057