Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Explain: Improve Soil Health

Now that students have reviewed several of the challenges to soil, work together as a class to answer the following questions, and develop ideas for further research.

  • Why is it important to maintain soil quality?
  • How can we improve how we treat the soil?

Additional Reading Materials

Teachers may use the following materials to develop lectures, student reading materials, or as resources for further investigations.

Understanding Soil Risks and Hazards
This extensive (96-page) document contains information on many challenges and solutions to soil health. The report links the importance of soil surveys to the prevention of hazards to human life and property.

PPT files from SSSA

See this link for the following Activities and PPT Files:
Civilization for K-12 Audience IYS- March
World Food Supply IYS- March

Video Clips

Dirt: the Movie
Black Blizzard – includes good scientific explanations of causes of Dust Bowl.
Black Blizzard video clip
Dust Bowl
Surviving the Dust Bowl PBS Video
Living Soil video