Explore: Describing and Classifying Soil

Part A. Soil Postcards

Now that students have engaged with the concept of classification, draw them into the concept of using physical characteristics to classify soil. Begin this segment of the lesson with the following open-ended activity.
Separate students into 2-3 person teams. Each team then selects a "postcard" listing a location (cards have a photograph, zip code, latitude/longitude, and/or city name.) See the link below for pre-prepared postcards.
The student's task is to research the given location and create an 11" x 17" poster-sized promotional brochure featuring the attributes of the soil in the given location. Attributes may include present uses, plants, topography climate, suitability for future use, soil color, etc. Students are not expected to use technical language, just to engage with a variety of soils and their uses.
Time required: 1 class period (or can be done as homework) and presented the next day.

Download the PowerPoint File here: Soil_Postcard_File.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.4MB Dec13 20)

Resources for research:

  • State Soils booklets include general information about the soil series, location, importance, uses, organisms, limitations, management, formation, and ecoregions.
    State Soils Booklets
  • Use the updated list of websites from Know Soil, Know Life Chapter 5 Appendix
  • Soil Web 
    This interactive map allows users to explore the USDA-NCSS soil survey data for locations throughout the U.S. and is compatible with computers, smartphones, or tablets. Soil Web 
    Use the menu to zoom to the location, enter the zip code, lat/long, or city name.

Part B. Soil Genesis and Development

Key Point: Soil formation and appearance is influenced by many factors. (CLORPT) 
In this section of the lesson, students take a step back from appearance and review how soils form. (Review worksheet from chapter 1) 

Step 1. Begin by reviewing the information in Soil Genesis and Development, Lesson 3 - Soil Forming Factors. This short online reading material identifies the five major soil-forming factors and discusses how they influence soil development. Students can complete the lessons individually or in their "postcard" teams. The module includes built-in quiz questions to check student understanding, which could be used as "think-pair-share" questions. 
Lesson 3 - Soil Forming Factors 
Time Required: 30 minutes to read and take quizzes. 

Step 2. Once students have completed the first lesson have them move to sections 5.1 and 5.2. in the lesson listed below. 
Soil Genesis and Development, Lesson 5 - Soil Classification and Geography. This lesson discusses the characteristics of the 12 soil orders defined by the USDA soil classification system, the major factors involved with their formation, and their geographic distribution across the USA and the world. 
Lesson 5 - Soil Classification and Geography 
Time Required: 30 minutes to read the lesson and take quizzes 

All things SOIL taxonomy
Step 3. After a review of factors influencing soil formation, and the basics of soil classification, share this fast-moving, 8-minute video on Soil Taxonomy with students. The video begins with soil-forming factors and relates them to Soil Orders.  Educators may need to stop the video to review terminology and relate it to the diagram above.  

All things SOIL Taxonomy

Step 4. Now that students have a better idea of soil orders and taxonomy, they will conduct further research on their soil order and series from the opening activity. Using the links provided, students complete the promotional brochure/poster highlighting the unique features of their soil order and series from their selected location.