Workshops and Events

Initial Publication Date: May 17, 2013

Course-Based Research Experiences Workshop 2015
December 7th-8th, 2015. Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) provide exciting opportunities for scaling up benefits of mentored research internships, but their design, implementation, and assessment come with a unique set of challenges.

Supporting Students Teaching Science Workshop
December 16-17th, 2014. Being situated in the practice of teaching is a powerful learning experience. Carleton science students experience this when they serve as teachers on and off campus (for example, as TAs, researchers, and volunteers in the community). In this workshop we will address the various ways that these students are utilized, equipped for, and supported in their teaching roles.

Assessment Workshop
June 26-27th, 2013. The workshop focused on assessment strategies to measure student learning with a specific focus on integrative learning and transfer among math and science courses at Carleton.

Making Connections: Transferring and Applying Learning Among Courses
November 28-30, 2012. At the morning sessions of this workshop, a writing team worked on building a testable model, or framework, with which to understand students' ability to transfer and apply learning among different courses. In the afternoons, workshop participants discussed what transfer meant in their classrooms, and began to work on curriculum grant proposals to implement these visions.