GO 521: History of Geology
Emporia State University
Course Size:
course url: http://academic.emporia.edu/aberjame/histgeol/
This is a history-of-geology course that includes a great deal of Earth history material. From the syllabus: The historical development of geology as a scientific discipline from ancient civilizations to the modern space age. Historical context and cultural basis of major geological theories regarding the origin of the Earth and processes that have influenced the Earth's development. The lives and contributions of individuals, whose ideas have shaped scientific thought and public opinion. Scientific technology, exploration, and the changing role of science through time. History of American and Kansan geology.
Course Context:
Course Goals:
- Who developed the major ideas of geology and when they did it.
- How the ideas were shaped over time.
- What role geological institutions played in the development of geology.
Course Content:
Teaching Materials:
- A detailed bibliography on the history of geology
- A list of historic geologists, many of which have short, linked biographies
- Considerable technical information about the course
- Images of US stamps with minerals.