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Laura Rademacher: Environmental Science for Informed Citizens at University of the Pacific part of Integrate:Teaching for Sustainability:How the Community is Using InTeGrate Materials:Instructor Stories
My course is an introductory environmental science course. Over time, I've incorporated more opportunities for active learning in the classroom and students respond favorably to spending additional time on the topics they find most compelling. The incorporation of integrate modules has provided new opportunities for active learning in the classroom. Most of the modules lead students through case studies, many of which are focused on regions outside of California and those could broaden my students' perspectives on these issues.

ConcepTest: Best Index Fossil part of Examples
Four outcrops of rock are examined in different locations of a state. The rock types and the fossils they contain are illustrated in the adjacent diagram. Which fossil would be the best choice to use as an index ...

ConcepTest: Temperature and Depth of Rock Formation #4 part of Examples
The diagram below illustrates five potential combinations of temperature and depth that are characteristic of different rock types. Answer the question that follows using the diagram. Which letter is the best ...

ConcepTest: Relative Time Diagram #1 part of Examples
Match the features in the relative time diagram below with the events described in the short sentence. Assume all rocks are sedimentary unless otherwise indicated. Which is the oldest rock unit? a. A b. B c. C d. D ...

ConcepTest: Cooling History of Magma #1 part of Examples
The lines shown on the idealized graph below illustrate the cooling histories for the four magmas listed below, i.e., the lines illustrate how magma temperature decreased with time. What rock is best represented by ...

ConcepTest: Cooling History of Magma #4 part of Examples
The lines shown on the idealized graph below illustrate the cooling histories for the four magmas listed below, i.e., the lines illustrate how magma temperature decreased with time. What rock is best represented by ...

ConcepTest: Rock Cycle Temperature Profile #1 part of Examples
The graph below illustrates how the temperature changed with time for part of the rock cycle. Which of the following is best represented by the graph? a. sediment is lithified to form sedimentary rock b. ...

ConcepTest: Box Modelling: Fluxes & Turnover Times part of Examples
Which of the following is true of the simplified ocean-atmosphere water cycle depicted in the box model below? A. There is a net flux of water from ocean to atmosphere. B. There is a net flux of water from ...

ConcepTest: Ocean Element Profiles - 2 part of Examples
Which element could have a depth profile in the ocean that looks like this? A. It probably has a source from the atmosphere B. It is probably an essential nutrient for phytoplankton  C. It probably has a ...

ConcepTest: Ocean Element Profiles - 1 part of Examples
Which element could have a depth profile in the ocean that looks like this? A. Oxygen, an element produced during photosynthesis B. Barium, an element required in trace amounts for micro-organisms C. Nitrogen, a ...