Discover and download discharge, precipitation, and isotope data for Jenning's Woods using Hydroclient

Anne Jefferson, Kent State University
Author Profile
Initial Publication Date: July 22, 2016


Using Hydroclient, you will find the data that was collected at the Jenning's Woods field site over the course of three precipitation events in March-April 2014. You will also discover precipitation data from a nearby airport and rainfall isotope data collected a few kilometers away.

Conceptual Outcomes

Students will learn to search for data and review metadata

Practical Outcomes

Students will learn how to use HydroClient

Time Required

45 minutes

Computing/Data Inputs


Computing/Data Outputs

Zip file containing 7 selected datasets obtained through Hydroclient

Hardware/Software Required

internet browser


Start HydroClient

Open the internet browser on your computer and go to the HydroClient URL at . The HydroClient uses the Google Maps interface as shown below.


Define Geographic Location

Use the "Enter a location" search box at the top left of the screen to zoom to a geographic area. This example uses Portage County, OH. Type this or another location in the search box and press enter. You will notice the Map zooms to the location of interest as shown below.

Screenshot of CUAHSI Hydroclien tMap View

Define Search Criteria

In the tool bar on the right side of the screen, specify your search criteria.
Click Select Date Range: Enter a range From: 03/01/2014 To: 04/30/2014
Click Select Data Service(s): In the pop-up window, type "Kent State University" in the search by at the upper right hand side. Click Close to finish selecting our data service.

Screenshot of CUAHSI Hydroclient Data Services Selection

Search Map and View All Search Results

Click Search Map. After a few seconds several blue markers will pop up on the map as shown below. Each blue marker has a number that indicates how many data series exist for that location. The markers cluster dynamically; if you zoom in you will get more precise locations, while if you zoom out the locations will be more generalized. To see all of the data series on the map, click Show Search Results on the right side tool bar as shown below.


Review Data Sets

In the popup window, look for 7 datasets. Review the columns and make sure you have all of the data you will need for the hydrograph separation. You will need delta-18O and delta-D of surface water and precipitation. You will also need stream discharge and incremental precipitation amounts associated with the precipitation isotope samples. A higher resolution time series of precipitation may also be helpful.

Export Selected Data

Highlighting the seven data series from Kent State University, click Select Action and on the dropdown choose Export 7 selections. A zip file should download to your computer. Make sure you know where that file is and that you can access it later.

Screenshot of CUAHSI HydroclienData Set Selection

Additional Activities and Variants

Related Steps

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