Retrieving a Candidate Gene Sequence
Questions I must answer before I move forward:- What candidate genes am I going to investigate and why do I think they might play a role in the biological process?
- Which database to I want to use to find a good starting sequence for my selected candidate genes?
- Do I want to download the DNA sequence or the protein sequence for each candidate gene, and why?
Step 1: Navigate to the DNA or protein database that you decide might be the best place to find a candidate gene
example: NCBI: NCBI Genome ResourcesStep 2: Input the name of the candidate gene
example: heat shock proteinStep 3: Select the database that you want to search
example: UniGeneStep 4: Evaluate the results of the search. Did you get many hits or few? Is it obvious which one to go after or is it very confusing?
Step 5: Follow the link for the gene you choose to use and download the DNA or protein sequence
Step 6: Create a plain text file that contains the fasta-formatted sequence