Initial Publication Date: August 31, 2020

Mapping Badge


Mapping is a key field skill across the four field course concept areas (hydrology, geology, geomorphology, and ecology). This badge targets the students' ability to communicate field observations using maps with appropriate symbols and components. In the E-STEM Field course, the mapping badge assessed multiple field course activities documenting student progress in mapping. The student work evaluation shows that, in 2018, the students' mapping skills improved.

Badge Goals

  • Students are able to create accurate, field-observation based, discipline-specific (hydrology, geomorphology, geology, ecology), 2-dimensional maps of a defined area using appropriate map symbols and components.
  • Students are able to articulate their decision-making process to justify the interpretations made on their maps.

Assessment Categories

The Mapping Badge Rubric (Acrobat (PDF) 193kB Jul1 20) is adaptable and assesses the following categories.

  • Map Elements: the student includes general map features (e.g., name and north arrow) and discipline-specific features (e.g., folds and faults).
  • Thoroughness and Legibility: the map is complete and legible.
  • Accuracy: the map and map-related interpretations reflect accurate field observations.
  • Justification of Interpretations: interpretations are supported by field observations, areas of uncertainty are specified, and the map is used to draw conclusions.

Field Course Activities

Field course activities that contributed to the Mapping Badge are shown below.


