Exploring Seafloor Topography

EET Data Analysis Workshop

Congratulations! You have been accepted into an EET Data Analysis Workshop. Please complete the PreWorkshop survey as soon as possible. A completed survey cofirms your registration so that you are sent the teleconference number to dial into the workshop.

Preparing for the Workshop

  1. To preview Exploring Seafloor Topography, go to the
    Title Page
  2. To prepare for the workshop, acquaint yourself with the chapter by looking over the Title Page, Teaching Notes, and Case Study.
  3. Next, complete all steps of Part 1, downloading and installing GeoMapApp plus exploring a map of the seafloor.
    Part 1
  4. Consider printing out each of the four Parts of the Step-by-Step instructions.
    Step-by-Step Instructions 
    This will allow you to focus your attention during the workshop on the seafloor visualizations plus the Elluminate space. Instead of constantly switching between the EET directions in your browser and the actual data analysis you will be doing in GeoMapApp, you will be able to refer to the paper printout of the steps.
  5. If you have not already done so, make sure your browser can support the Eluminate Web-conferencing software.
    Elluminate Configuration Check
  6. Last, we have found that school firewalls can sometimes prevent participants from accessing Elluminate. To test your ability to connect to an Elluminate Classroom, click the link below. You can ignore the instructions for configuring your audio. We will be using the telephone, rather than Elluminate to talk to each other. 
    Elluminate Test Classroom
  7. If you have any difficulties getting ready for the workshop, please contact Carla_McAuliffe@terc.edu.

On the Day of the Workshop

  • When you participate in an EET Data Analysis Workshop, please make arrangements to be at a relatively quiet telephone connection with access to an Internet connection at the same time.
  • To connect to the teleconference, dial the 1-800 number sent to you in a separate email. When prompted, enter the participant access code, sent to you in that same email.
    You should have received this number if you completed the PreWorkshop Survey.
  • To log-in to the Elluminate virtual classroom space, click the link below. When prompted to enter your name for the session, please enter your first and last name.
    Elluminate EET Workshops Classroom
  • To help you get connected on time, both the teleconference number and the virtual classroom space will be open 15 minutes before the workshop begins. Please double check the start time of the workshop for the time zone in which you will be calling. Participants have been dissappointed when they accidentally call into the workshop an hour early or an hour late.

During the Workshop

Here are some links that we will refer to: