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January 18 PreSeminar Survey
Creating Custom Map Images of Earth and Other Worlds
First Name:
Last Name:
Please enter your primary email address. The address you enter will serve as your unique identifier for workshop registration and payment purposes. Please use the same email address to identify yourself whenever you are prompted to supply it.
Please confirm whether you will be participating in the online workshop. If you agree to participate, then complete the remaining survey questions.
Will you be participating in the online workshop?
Yes. I will be participating.
No. I am unable to participate at this time.
Classroom Teacher
Staff Development Specialist working with grade 6 to 12 teachers
University faculty working with grade 6 to 12 teachers
If Other, please describe:
Select the grade range that best describes the students you teach:
Grades 6 to 8
Grades 9 to 12
Grades 13 or above
Select the subject area that best represents your primary teaching responsibilities:
Life science
Physical science
Earth science
Chemical science
General science
Have you ever participated in a telecon-online workshop?
Estimate how frequently you engage in professional development opportunities.
Once a week
Once a month
Every three to six months
Once a year
Very rarely
How often do you look for teaching resources outside of your regular curriculum materials?
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Occasionally (every three to six months)
Seldom (once a year)
How often do you use a digital library to find a teaching resource?
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Occasionally (every three to six months)
Seldom (once a year)
I have done this yet
Have you tried to use the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) to locate a teaching resource?
Have you tried to use the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) to locate a teaching resource?
How often do your students use the Internet at school as a regular part of class assignments?
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Occasionally (every three to six months)
Seldom (once a year)
Have you ever tried to use Web-based scientific data (e.g., satellite weather data, earthquake data, etc.) with your students?
If Yes, please describe your experience.
How often have you used a Web-based scientific dataset or tool with your students?
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Occasionally (every three to six months)
Seldom (once a year)
What barriers have you encountered when incorporating Web-based scientific data or tools into your teaching?
Earth Exploration Toolbook
EET Workshops
The EET Workshops Project Team
EET Implementation Information