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Four Force of Flight Design Lab  

I will be completing this sometoomne today. I am looking at the end of technology stand to end with a week long lab utiliziing the design process and wrapping up on student understanding of the four forces need for flight.

I am stuggling with placing formulas into the Data collecting Excel sheet and need some assistance.


_1192723865.doc (Microsoft Word 46kB Oct18 07)


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_1192723969.xls (Excel 22kB Oct18 07)


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You are not entering formulas correctly. You need a row and column combination. When entering the formulas do not include the quotation marks.

formula for cell f2 "=(D2+E2)/2"
formula for cell g2 "=C2*F2"
formula for cell h2 "=B2/G2"

You will get errors if the cells b2, c2, d2, and e2 are blank.

Good Luck! Hope this helps.


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Work in progress. I have scaped the original variables and I will repost after I present the lab with the students this week. Nate , thanks I am going to use your formulas and experiment on my own.


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