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Hello! Currently I'm teaching mineral and rock identification to my students (blah...) and will need to continue to do so while trying to incorporate an investigation. Does anyone have any idea how or where I could find some useful data? I'd prefer not to do density, only because we've just done that (it would be redundent). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Wish me luck- I'm going to try the ozone lesson from this summer on Monday. We are kicking off our 8th grade theme "taking care of ourselves and the environment" that day and all 8th grade subject areas will be touching on the ozone layer.



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This post was edited by Omar Jamal on Jul, 2012
Try this website. It has interactive lessons but you could also do them for real if you gather the materials. All you need is flash installed on the computer to run the programs.



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Hi Diane. Thanks for the link; it's a great website!



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