Part 1—Download Software and Data
Step 1 – Download and Install My World GIS Software
Note: (2018) My World GIS is now unavailable
Note: (August 2015) A 45-day free trial of My World is available through PASCO scientific.
- Open the PASCO My World homepage. Scroll down the page, and click the Free Trial tab.
- Select the version of software for your type of operating system or platform (Windows or Mac OS X).
- Click the word Download to begin downloading the installer to your computer.
- A My World GIS™ version 5.0 Trial Version Installer will download to your computer.
- Double click the installer app and follow the onscreen instructions to install My World GIS on your computer.
Note: You may want to return to the My World GIS website later and explore its resources.
Step 2 – Download the Maine Forest Project File
- Right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) the link below to download the project file to your computer. Choose the option that will download the file to your computer. "Download Linked File..." "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." are common browser commands to accomplish this task. This is a large data file, so it may take several minutes to download.
maine_forest.m3vz ( 17.6MB Jun10 10) - Save this file in a place where you can easily locate it. If possible, store it in the Projects folder of the My World folders. The pathway to the folder is:
Applications (or Programs) > My World GIS 4.x > data > Projects.
My World GIS can open a project file wherever it is on your computer. However, to make it available through the Data Library, you must place it inside the My World GIS 4.x > data > Projects folder. The default location for My World GIS software is in the Applications or Programs folder.
Step 3 – Download Forest Inventory Growth (FIG) and Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) Data from Maine
- Download the file: Auburn_Land_Lab_FIG.xls (Excel 18kB Jun10 10) by right-clicking on a PC or ctrl-clicking on a Mac.
This Excel spreadsheet contains data that were collected by the students in the Project Learning Tree Forest Inventory Growth (FIG) Program. The data file contains a summary of the number of species at one plot in the Auburn Land Lab. - Download the file: Auburn_FIA.csv (Comma Separated Values 20kB Jun10 10) by right-clicking on a PC or ctrl-clicking on a Mac.
This table of Comma Separated Values (CSV) is the complete Forest Inventory and Analysis File for the Auburn Land Lab.