Earth Exploration Toolbook Chapters
Results 11 - 16 of 16 matches
Looking into Earth with GIS
DATA: Seismic Wave Model Output. TOOLS: My World GIS, Microsoft Excel. SUMMARY: Examine seismic wave data in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Analyze wave velocities to infer the depth of the crust-mantle boundary.
Mapping Local Data in a GIS
DATA: Student-collected GPS data and site characterizations TOOLS: MyWorld GIS, spreadsheet program SUMMARY: Follow a study of Urban Heat Islands as an example of map-based science research projects.
Protecting Wetlands from Exurban Development
DATA: Land Use and Land Cover TOOL: My World GIS SUMMARY: Examine land-use changes around Macclenny, Florida. Propose locations for future development that minimize impacts on wetlands.
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: What's in Your Woods?
DATA: Forest Inventory Growth and Analysis data, TOOLS: Spreadsheet, My World GIS SUMMARY: Investigate forest biodiversity in Maine and consider the environmental factors that contribute to tree species diversity.
Tsunami Run-up Prediction for Seaside, Oregon with ArcExplorer GIS
DATA: NGDC Historical Tsunami Data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data. TOOLS: Geobrain Online Analysis System (GeOnAS) DEM Explorer, ArcExplorer Java Edition for Education (AEJEE) GIS, & Excel. SUMMARY: Download and examine global, historical tsunami run-up patterns. Acquire DEM contours and import them into AEJEE GIS. Then visualize the potential sea-level rise that could occur during a tsunami run-up event near Seaside, Oregon.
Tsunami Run-up Prediction for Seaside, Oregon with My World GIS
DATA: NGDC Historical Tsunami Data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data. TOOLS: Geobrain Online Analysis System (GeOnAS) DEM Explorer, My World GIS. SUMMARY: Download and examine global, historical tsunami run-up patterns. Acquire DEM contours and import them into My World GIS. Then visualize the potential sea-level rise that could occur during a tsunami run-up event near Seaside, Oregon.