How can I use the Earth Exploration Toolbook?

Teachers can...

  • learn techniques for accessing, interpreting, and analyzing Earth and environmental science datasets
  • get direct practice using software tools to explore data, so they can facilitate students' explorations
  • enable students to tap into the wealth of satellite imagery, GIS-based maps, and tabular data available over the Internet
  • meet national and local science education standards for analyzing data and designing experiments

Students can...

Example Output from How Permanent is Permafrost? EET chapter
  • learn to use software tools to explore and interpret datasets, so they can understand the changing status of our planet
  • learn techniques of analyzing satellite data and creating graphics for research projects or science fairs
  • investigate human-induced change across our globe
  • examine scientific data for evidence of global climate change

Tool developers, data providers, and data-using educators can...

  • contribute new chapters that feature the use of their own data or tools
  • increase educators' and students' awareness of and ability to use their data, ultimately resulting in an increased public demand for Earth and environmental science data and tools