Earth Exploration Toolbook Chapters

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Human Dimensions
Desktop Mapping/GIS

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Exploring Air Quality in Aura NO2 Data
DATA: NASA Aura nitrogen dioxide data. TOOL: Google Earth. SUMMARY: Learn about photochemical smog. Explore the relationships among human population density, nitrogen dioxide concentrations, and geography.

How Cities Affect Their Local Climate
DATA: GLOBE Program Surface Temperature. TOOL: My World GIS. SUMMARY: Explore the urban heat island effect using student collected surface temperature data. Subset large datasets, buffer others, examine spatial relationships, and gather statistics to investigate temperature differences in urban and rural school sites.

Mapping Local Data in a GIS
DATA: Student-collected GPS data and site characterizations TOOLS: MyWorld GIS, spreadsheet program SUMMARY: Follow a study of Urban Heat Islands as an example of map-based science research projects.

Protecting Wetlands from Exurban Development
DATA: Land Use and Land Cover TOOL: My World GIS SUMMARY: Examine land-use changes around Macclenny, Florida. Propose locations for future development that minimize impacts on wetlands.

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: What's in Your Woods?
DATA: Forest Inventory Growth and Analysis data, TOOLS: Spreadsheet, My World GIS SUMMARY: Investigate forest biodiversity in Maine and consider the environmental factors that contribute to tree species diversity.

Tsunami Run-up Prediction for Seaside, Oregon with ArcExplorer GIS
DATA: NGDC Historical Tsunami Data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data. TOOLS: Geobrain Online Analysis System (GeOnAS) DEM Explorer, ArcExplorer Java Edition for Education (AEJEE) GIS, & Excel. SUMMARY: Download and examine global, historical tsunami run-up patterns. Acquire DEM contours and import them into AEJEE GIS. Then visualize the potential sea-level rise that could occur during a tsunami run-up event near Seaside, Oregon.

Tsunami Run-up Prediction for Seaside, Oregon with My World GIS
DATA: NGDC Historical Tsunami Data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data. TOOLS: Geobrain Online Analysis System (GeOnAS) DEM Explorer, My World GIS. SUMMARY: Download and examine global, historical tsunami run-up patterns. Acquire DEM contours and import them into My World GIS. Then visualize the potential sea-level rise that could occur during a tsunami run-up event near Seaside, Oregon.

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